SEO strategies to increase your page rank
We are all trying to seo our websites, we talk about them non stop on social media and post about them in unlimited numbers of directories, forums and blog comments. But is this just a waste of our time and money? 

Google states on their own website you will rank well if you help customers get the answers they need, the product or service they want and give the full customer service experience. So in order to rank my keywords well I like to follow my 5 main ranking steps for keywords.

 1. Keyword in the meta tag on the page I am trying to rank

 2. Keyword used amongst other content on the ranking page

 3. Keyword written in URL for the page to make it relevant

 4. Keyword hyper linked to the page from other website pages

 5. Use the keywords in social media when linking to the pages 

Now that is about keyword ranking but on to ranking the overall website, trying to achieve page rank and getting your website popular with google. Once you have a Page-rank score (a ranking from 1-10) this tells you how important your website is in the terms of google. It is very rare that websites get a score of 8-10, only sites like wikipedia get the really high scores so something like a PR2-PR5 and you are doing quite well. Google will also keep visiting your site more and more if you keep updating and keeping it important.

The way to get ranked is so simple, I think people just like to over complicate it. Ask your self what you want your website to sell, put those products on and then see what else you can offer the customer. Can you offer them some information on how to use the product? Could you give them a guide to help them or maybe there is another way you can help your customers out by adding something to your website. Remember it is all about adding content that is useful and relevant to the customer. So If you sell cake decorations then you may write tutorials about how to create cake decorations or tools needed for specialist cakes.

Social Media is another area where if you only have a few likes it really isn't worth spending hours per day promoting, however if you pay to have sponsored posts and adverts on facebook about your business and grow your facebook followers then you will be able to get customers interacting and asking questions.

Content Written By Gemma Dawson: Gemma Dawson offers many themed party items including Disney Cars party supplies

1 comment:

  1. Your guide to Increase Page Rank is definitely helpful and amazing. Keep writing Larry.
