Choosing an affiliate program
The hardest part about setting up an affiliate program is choosing the right one. There are thousands available, and the all have different features. Here are some important things to watch for when choosing a affiliate program.

The commission rate
These vary widely. Amazon`s 4 percent initial rate is pretty average, and most programs offer between 3 and 10 percent. Some programs offer a sliding scale where your commission goes up the total sales attributed to your links goes over a certain amount.

Commission exceptions

Some programs offer their highest commission rate only on certain items. Amazon for example offers a higher rate on Kindle and MP3 purchases. It`s also typical to offer a reduced commission on products that are heavily discounted.

Direct versus general links
Most programs offer a higher commission if a sale was generated from a direct link to a product ( as opposed to linking to the program`s home page.)

The commission base 

Some programs base the commission on the selling price of the product, others base it on the profit earned by each sale.

Site restrictions

Many programs reject sites that have " unsuitable " themes such as sex, violence, discrimination, or the promotion of illegal activities.

Check thresholds
Many programs won`t issue you a check until your commission reaches a certain amount.

Some programs agreements demand exclusivity, meaning you can`t also include a rival program on your site. 

Researching Affiliate Programs: 

The following are three sites that monitor and review affiliate programs

100 Best Affiliate Programs - ( )

Affiliate Programs - ( )

Affiliate Directory - ( ) 

Steps to Setting Up An Affiliate Program:

Now that you`ve done all your researching and know which affiliate program you want to use, here`s how to set one up:

1. Go to the site offering the program and sign up for it.

2. Create a "store" on your site or designate space on your site to place program - related graphics such as banners and Contextual ads.

3. For each product you want to feature, set up a link to the specific product on the program site. You usually include some kind of code in the link address that identifies your site as the referrer. Most affiliate programs offer a simple copy and paste html code to place on your site

4. Sit back and wait for the checks to start rolling in.

Just because an area generates a high reader focus, it doesn`t mean you must place an ad unit in that area. The number one rule in the web ad game is to not let the ads get in the way of your content. You should us most the high focus areas for your content and reserve one or two for ad units.

Blog Advisor Recommends ShareASale Affiliate Program!
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  1. When I'm looking for software to sell on my blog or website, I'm first of all download it and give it a try myself. If it's good to go - start earning.

  2. I agree with you. You never want to promote products or services that your readers will be disapointed in or simply just don`t work. It is a critical mistake in affiliate marketing and also Bad for Business. Providing quality products in your niche returns big rewards and some manufacturers offer free trials. The best practice is to buy and use the product so you can write a honest review and offer your results to your readers.

  3. The worst thing you can do is dive in on the first affiliate which you come across. When you first start out you are just pleased to be accepted and dont realise that it is the best interests of the company to accept you. you can find and affiliate in almost any industry these days.
