Using article marketing to sell your products or servicesDo you feel like you have done everything possible to get your business off the ground but are still struggling to draw in customers? If so, maybe it is time to change your thinking. The world has changed and advertising has to change with it. In the past, advertising your business in the phone book, the Yellow Pages, in newspapers, and on the radio and television were enough to ensure success.

Today, however, you have to take things a bit further in order to reach all of your potential customers. The best way to reach your target market, especially for small businesses, is to use a combination of online and offline marketing strategies.

One of the best ways to market in today’s environment is to write articles about things you know. At this point, you may be thinking that you could never do this because you aren’t really an expert on anything and you aren’t really a writer. In truth, the more you write, the better you will become at producing great content.

If you have been in your industry for a long time, you probably have a wealth of information on which you can write. On the other hand, if you are relatively new to the industry, there are still some things on which you can write your articles.

Start by asking yourself what you are capable of writing about. You can also take the time to make a list of what people often ask you, what you enjoy doing, topics you enjoy discussing, the reasons you started your business, and your personal views and hobbies. These lists can then be used as a jumping board to give you ideas for potential article topics.

Your articles don’t have to be specific to your company. Instead, they can be lightly related as long as you are informative and accurate. Just make sure you include a brief byline to the article that includes your company’s name and description as well as your name and contact information.

You can then post your articles to your Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn pages as well as to hubs such as EzineArticles or similar sites. Finally, make sure you post your best work on your blog and your website so you can reach the largest number of potential customers.

Make sure you have an attention grabbing title and that your article has an abundance of useful information. Double-check any facts you include. You can also include keywords, if the site you are submitting to allows it. Try to keep articles between 300 and 500 words and make sure they adhere to the submission guidelines of each site you choose.

Articles provide business owners with a great source of free marketing, and what is better than free? Get started writing your articles today and watch how much more traffic is driven to your website. You will certainly be surprised. Although it does take some time and effort to develop topics, titles, and articles, the returns to your business make it more than worth your time.
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