10 helpful blog design tips
Ask 10 web surfers to define "blog design" and you`ll almost certainly get 10 different answers because it means different things to different people. An artist`s blog is quite different then a golfers blog, and both won`t be the same as a company`s e-commerce site. However, if people say that these blogs all have good design it`s because they all have a few things in common.

Use a non-headache-inducing look
When most people think "design" they think about colors, images, and other visual aspects. These are important, but few of us have an artist`s eye, so creating a visually gorgeous looking site is asking a bit to much. Fortunately, your site doesn`t have to be stunning looking to qualify as well designed.You just need to avoid the most egregious graphical faults, such as ugly backgrounds that make text hard to read, colors that clash with each other, and excessive use of fonts.

Remember content is king
Good blog design really begins and ends with the design of the content itself, Nobody will care about your site if the content is not compelling or useful.

Consistency, consistency, consistency
If you shoot for anything when designing your site, it should be consistency. Use the same or a similar color sceme on each page, place important elements (such as a link to a contact form) or an (about me page) not only on every page, but also in the same spot on every page.

Make things easy to find 
We`ve all got to many sites to see, so no one likes to waste time trying to find things on a page. Good site design means making things easy for your visitors to find.

Make your reader feel welcome
If you want people to keep coming back to your site, you`ve got to lay out a virtual welcome mat and make everyone feel at home. Having good content and a consistent, easy to read layout are all very welcoming, but so are social elements such as feedback forms and bulletin boards.

Write about topics that interest you
If you are not interested in what you`re writing about, I guarantee your readers won`t be interested either.

Write with passion
If the topic you`re writing about really interests you, let everyone know. Shout it from the rooftop that you love this stuff.

Write in your own voice
The best home pages act as mirrors that show visitors a glimpse of the authors inner workings. Everybody - amateur and professional writers have a unique writing voice; find yours and use it.

Tell stories
The enjoyment of a good story is hard - wired into the human brain. There`s something about an engaging, well told narrative that captures the imagination of readers and leaves them looking for more.

Have fun 
Finally, always remember that having a blog is not ment to be a deadly serious activity. The web is nothing more or less than a wonderful new medium for you and me to express ourselves and communicate with other people who share the same interests, thoughts and philosophy.

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1 comment:

  1. You blog design should make your readers feel home when on your blog.
    Well written. Thanks :)
