Pay Per Click (PPC) is a handy little tool if you have an ecommerce site, or a commercial message that you would like to disseminate throughout a targeted online community. Asking if PPC is relevant for a website is like asking if billboard advertising is relevant for a building. No it isn’t, but if that building houses a shop, then billboard advertising is a good idea and is relevant.
Pay Per Click is a form of online advertising that is good for driving targeted traffic to a certain web page. You type out your advert within the limited number of characters allowed or enter a picture advert. You then add a few keywords to this advert. So if you make jeans, then your keywords may be “buy jeans”, “men’s jeans”, “women’s jeans”, “jeans”, “jean seller”. When an online user types in any of those keywords there is a chance that your advert will run. If the online user clicks on your advert, then they will be taken to the web page that you specified. You will then be charged a fee.
The fees are based upon how popular keywords are. If there are a lot of people who are placing adverts with the same keywords, then the advertisers will have to bid for how much they are willing to pay per click. The person who offers to pay the most per click is then given the top spot and is most likely to have their adverts appear when someone enters a keyword, and more likely to be near the top or most prominent position.
PPC is often the cornerstone of some company’s online marketing plan because it is easy to manage and shows a fairly good return on investment if it is done correctly. Some people integrate a PPC campaign in with their website.
People are able to see exactly how many people their PPC campaign attracts and for how much money. If they also notice a sharp upturn in sales, then it is safe to assume that these marketing efforts are converting into sales. If they are successful enough in their efforts then they may be able to reach the standards required for Pay Per Action (PPA) in which case the advertiser will only pay for sales or sales inquiries through their PPC campaign. This is a very good position to be in because it offers little to no risk for the advertiser. It is a process that is highly desirable.
Is a PPC campaign relevant to a website? If the website is a commercial website then it is one of the many tools you can use to draw traffic to your site. If your site is non commercial, then it is a very expensive way of getting people to look at your site, without the benefit of a possible income because of it.
Ofcourse pay per click is related to the website for sure. This is meaningless one since PPC plays a important role to attract the targeted visitors and potential customers.