Nothing is worse than going to your blog, ready to make a new post, only to be faced with slow load times or worse, a server that has gone offline. There are hosted options, such as Blogger.com or WordPress.com, but they do not allow much control over any desired customization. A self hosted blog requires a good hosting provider that can withstand the demands that a popular, well designed blog will come with.
Some Things To Consider Before Choosing A Web Host:
The first step is to pick the content management system (CMS) you are most comfortable with. The most popular are WordPress, Joomla and Drupal. After this, picking an internet service provider (ISP) to host the site comes down to a handful of questions.
Does the host have the capacity to handle the script that powers the CMS?
Not all hosts will be able to handle the scripting language of the three most popular content management systems. The coding language used by these systems is PHP. Some hosts will not support the version of PHP used by these systems. Make sure the hosting provider is up to date with the required version of PHP.
Can you get database support for your blog?
The database of each CMS uses a MySQL database to store the content, information on registered users as well as the design of the blog etc.
Occasionally, there will be problems with the database becoming corrupted, or one database may not be sufficient for the requirements of the blog. Ensuring that the ISP responsible for hosting the site can support you in resolving these issues is extremely important.
How much storage space can each hosting account provide?
When blogs start out, they are small and require very little storage. As blogs grow larger, they take more memory and can require an upgrade to larger servers with more storage before you are ready.
What you pay is not always what you will get when it comes to storage. Some hosts provide fast servers with large amounts of storage for very low cost. Doing some shopping can reveal some incredible bargains.
Can the internet provider withstand the demands that large amounts of traffic will put on the server?
As each visitor lands on the site and navigates from page to page, the server is called to load the content each time.
Some servers place a limit on the number of requests and the amount of bandwidth this requires. Just like storage limits, some hosts will provide plenty of bandwidths at a very affordable cost.
What sort of install options does the host have for scripts and features?
This is especially important when it comes to installing the CMS for your blog. Many have a one click install option to load WordPress or another CMS onto a domain.
Some prefer other ways to install a CMS, but many do not want the trouble of uploading a CMS through other, often more complicated, ways.
Beyond the Basics
There are other concerns beyond the technical points made above. Things to consider would be contact options and the reputation of the business. Just because they offer a number of features at a low cost on their sales pages does not mean that they will provide the value you are looking for.
If you consider each of these points, you will find a great host for your blog that lets you focus on creating content and building a community.