Tips on building a successful e-commerce blog
It’s true that no matter how good your products or services maybe, the marketplace is likely going to be extremely competitive. It’s also true that there is no such thing as a guarantee that your e-commerce blog is going to be successful. However, despite what the odds may be, and despite how competitive your particular market may or may not be, the prospect of starting your own e-commerce blog is one that should always be explored.

One thing any successful e-commerce blog is going to need to make it is hard work. That’s a give-in. Another give-in is that your e-commerce site is going to need great ideas.

However, you can also learn a lot about running a flourishing e-commerce blog by studying. What you study, of course, are the patterns of unsuccessful e-commerce blogs. The benefits of doing this will be almost immediate. Trends that led to the downfall of one e-commerce blog or another will quickly begin to emerge.

Whatever you do on the road to a successful e-commerce blog, learning from the failures should definitely be on your itinerary. 

Unifying Patterns Of Unsuccessful E-Commerce Blogs

You may notice some unifying threads between unsuccessful on your own, but here are five that you’re definitely going to pick up as you study the ones that just didn't make it:

High Prices
Maybe it’s because of the cost involved, or maybe it’s due to a serious miscalculation on the part of the blog owner, but high prices will almost always reduce someone’s interest in a product.

Poor Shipping Practices

No one is saying you have to offer shipping options as dedicated and far-reaching as a giant like, but with e-commerce, fast, reliable shipping can quickly separate a thriving e-commerce site from a dying one. Make sure you offer fast shipping, with multiple options for those who are willing to pay extra to get their products even faster.

Search engine optimization is sometimes overlooked by e-commerce site owners. Typically, those sites don’t last very long.

User design
Who cares about great products, if the site is a huge headache to navigate? Make sure customers can find the product they are looking for with the minimal number of clicks.

Keep a theme in mind. Go for a niche market. E-commerce sites that offer too many different things just look cluttered and disorganized.

There are plenty of pitfalls that can sink your e-commerce blog in a hurry. The more you study these pitfalls from past examples, the better you’ll be at avoiding them.

 Tips for coming up with fresh ideas for your business or blog
Coming up with fresh ideas is what turns small businesses into big businesses. Sadly, it is at this point that a business becomes more uniform, less unique, and begins to slowly lose customers to its competitors. This is actually what started to happen to the Apple Company. That was until they created the iPhone and started a new mobile revolution. The Apple Company was forced to be unique and fresh, otherwise they were heading for oblivion.

Here are a few ways you may come up with fresh ideas for yourself.

1 - Get a life and live it
Have you ever heard those pretentious people who say they have traveled the world and now they feel invigorated and refreshed? Feel free to knock the watercress sandwich out of their hands and step on their suede shoes. However, you should note that people with an active life will often have fresher ideas.

You do not have to travel the world, but you cannot just sit at home or work all the time. This sort of thing happens to comedy TV writers all the time. They start their job full of ideas that they have pulled from real life situations. But, a few series into it they run out of ideas. This is because they work all the time (on tight deadlines) and do not get out there and live.

They do not see real life interesting people, or funny incidents that happen in real life. This is also why a lot of comedy shows will parody movies, because the writers are either sat at home, or watching a movie at home. If you want fresh ideas then be more active, aka, get a life!

2 - Keep your problem in your mind
There is a difference between worrying about a problem all the time, and keeping it in your mind. People who are motivated and need new ideas in order to solve a problem will keep the problem in the back of their mind all the time. They will walk around garden centers with their spouse, or watch a soccer match with their kids, and will keep the problem in their mind.

They will often see things during their day that gives them a bit of inspiration. Before they know it, their mind has connected the dots (so to speak), and they are full of new and fresh ideas to solve their problems. Keeping it in the back of your mind will allow your subconscious to have a think about it, whilst you get on with your life.

3 - Use active imagination
You should really research into this technique. Some people believe it is a way to communicate with your subconscious. Other people believe it is a way of tapping into your creativity, and others believe that it is a way of clearing your mind enough to come up with new ideas. It is probably a combination of all three.

4 - Ask your friends and co-workers
If you get really stuck then have a quick conference with your coworkers and your friends. You will probably hear no suggestions that you have not thought of yourself, but there is always a chance that one of them will come up with a great idea.

5 - Look at how others solved their problem
Have other people had your problem in the past? How did they solve their problem? Just because an idea has been used before does not mean it is not fresh to you.

6 - Research into your problem
This does not just mean do a little bit of analysis, it means look into how other people came up with fresh ideas and how they solved their problems. Read books, go to seminars and watch educational programs.

7 - Brainstorm
Sit in a dark room with a digital recorder, and just think about your problem. Record yourself speaking aloud any of your ideas, and you will soon have a recorder full of fresh ideas.

8 - Think of ways to make it worse
Ironically, if you look at a problem and come at it from the other side, you can come up with some new solutions and idea. You first think of how to make the problem you have worse. You then think of ways of hindering your methods of making it worse. The way you would stop yourself making it worse is often loaded with fresh ideas and solutions for your problem.

9 - Do market research
Ask your audience. This is one way of getting new ideas that are fresh and unique. Ask open-ended questions and probe the people you are trying to appeal to. Get their opinions and try to engage them. You may be surprised at the results you get. The added benefit is that it only takes one good idea from one person to turn things around for you.

10 - Hire a consultant
Let us face it, a consultant is expensive and will drain productive hours from you and your staff. However, a consultant may sometimes bring new ideas to the table that you have not thought of (that is basically their job). They have no doubt had a lot of experience with other companies in your industry, and so have a wider view of your particular problem or concern. They are often able to come up with ideas that other people have used, but that are unique and fresh to you.

Written by: Kate Funk from Tutorsville.